Friday 16 August 2013

Losing my sanity with Sanity Loss Member Tyler Dawson In a Interview!

Who are you?

I am Tyler Dawson, Bassist of the band SANITY LOSS

What Genre are you?

We are a Metalcore/Hardcore band, hailing from the UK

Who's in Sanity Loss?

We have the very talented Dan Halsey on Lead Guitar, Ryan Doogle on Drums and myself on Bass/Backing Vox! We will be announcing our new and fuckin' awesome frontman and Rhythm Guitarist in the next week or so on our Facebook page!

How did you meet?

Well I first met Dan through a close friend of mine called Amie, who is with Dan, and she sent me a video of his old band playing. When I departed from my old band, I met with Dan and spoke over some ideas for a band (Which turned into Sanity Loss) I met the others through Dan at local gigs, and we pretty much stole them from the bands they use to be in! haha!

So you're a very charismatic person?

I like to think so haha! I don't know

When are we to expect a single or EP?

Well we have been working so hard getting all our songs perfect and picking out which songs to use on the EP now. I believe we will have a single out before the end of the month! Along with a music video and the EP following shortly after! I'm stoked! Can't wait for everyone to hear what we have been working hard on! I'm in love with every song we have and I really hope our fans love them as much as we do!

What is the single going to be?

Now that is a secret.. But its heavy and I love playing it! Can't wait to release the final version!

Can't we at least get a name of a track?

That is also a secret, it'll be announced soon!

Are you ready for the fun questions?

Very much so!

Marilyn Manson Or Lady Gaga?

Marilyn Manson, although I do like Lady Gaga I must admit! The pop scene needs someone like her! Great couple they would make though..

Would you rather be known for that 1 song forever or be remembered for a brand of clothing?

Well since I am a musician, I'd love it if we wrote a song that people wont forget and will live on, so I will go with that. I would love to start my own clothing line some day though

I have a challenge which i offer to every band/artist if you choose to accept it'll appear here! do you accept?

Oh god, let's do this!

The challenge is to cover Katy Perry's ET!

Deal, I'm sure we can do that! Would be fun to play live!

Recommend any bands/artists?

Well I'd recommend you since you record at my house and I've watched you grow as an artist! I'd also recommend Alligatr. for all those Indie lovers out there! The Thieves to all those Rock N Roll lovers and Avenge The Heartache because they are a fucking awesome Metalcore band! I have become friends with so many amazing artists since Sanity Loss started moving forward and I would recommend people to come to our shows and watch every band we play with because they are all friends and all great in their own way!

Any last words?

I would like to thank all the people who have shown us love and support! Our fans keep us going and smiling and without them, we are nothing! Please keep spreading the word of Sanity Loss with your friends! Come to a show and say hello to us! Tour dates are on our band facebook page which is:
We're also on twitter on:
Come say hello! We'd love to make friends! Thanks Mikeey for the interview, I'm sure you'll be coming over sometime soon to record that album of yours! Keep your eyes and ears out, Sanity Loss are coming to get cha <666

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