Thursday 8 August 2013

Getting Snappy With A Alligatr. Member!

Who Are You?
I'm Sam! Frontman of Leicester indie rock band Alligatr.
And absolute legend
How would you describe your sound?
Hmmm... good question. I'd say we're pretty unusual. There's a guy in our band who's into metal and goes to Download every year, and then there's a guy who listens to mostly The Kooks and Imagine Dragons amongst others. Our sound is definitely shaped by the things we listen to and the people we are. We're loud, dancey, and we just want to get everybody moving and having a good time!
How did you guys even meet?
Well, school really. I met Sam (our lead guitarist) back in primary school and the rest in secondary. Apart from Jack, the bassist. Jack is a mutual friend of Ellis from The Unknown, and when our original bassist left, Ellis recommended him to us.
I bet the bassist is gutted now?
Well, you'd have to ask him about that. He left by choice in a rather odd manner, but he's in a different band now, a band that's probably playing music more up his street, and we've recruited a bassist more accustomed to our sound, so in the end, it's good for both parties.
So no enemies yet then?
No no, we're a pretty friendly bunch of people! We've even made pretty good friends with some of the band members from the bands we competed against to win the Festival Rock 2013 trophy...
That must have been fun?
Definitely. The whole thing of it being our first gig made winning it even sweeter. We met a lot of good people, and won ourselves a tour around the Marshall Factory! However, we still have yet to be contacted about that prize... which is a bummer!
That is awesome! Now this wouldn't be a music interview if we didn't talk about the music! so when's your next single/Album?
Our upcoming single Simple Variables will be out soon, we're in the process of booking studios and all that shit currently. An album is planned, we're just working on getting used to gigging and making music together first. We're still finding our sound I guess.
How would you describe that particular single's sound?
Just happy, bouncy, music you're gonna want to dance to. It's a good indie song and one that we hope everyone can get into.
Do you think you'll always write "happy bouncy" music?
Yes, and no. Indie music is something I've grew up with, but I've started to move on and begin listening to more experimental genres and bands which are slowly but surely influencing the way I make music and write songs. However, playing this dancey music with the band seems to be working very well, we all love to play it and the crowd loves to hear it. But all good bands can change their sound without losing the crowd, and we're going to try our best to get that working for us.
How do you find the inspiration to write songs?
Various ways. Sometimes I'll be listening to a song and I'll be like, "I really should write a song like this." and I'll give that a go. Other times, I'll just have something inside that I need to get out, and songwriting is always the medium of choice for me.
And, That concludes the main interview are you ready for the more fun questions! Are you ready?
I sure fucking am!
Lana Or Gaga?
Lana of course. I can't stand Gaga, there are plenty of people who stand for exactly the same things as she does, yet don't get as noticed as she does for it. Originality isn't hard to find, people just don't look hard enough.And Lana's voice is pretty fucking good.
Would you rather be a 1 hit wonder or be famous after death?
That's tough. Obviously I'd like to be remembered for what I do, but not being able to experience it much whilst I'm alive would kind of suck. It depends what I'm being remembered for. If all I did was make dancey indie music then I'd settle for 1 hit wonder, but if I made music with more meaning and deeper thought behind it, I'd go for being famous after death. Good question!
Popless Singer or Wham Bam Singer?
Ah, well I'd have to point back to the previous question about 1 hit wonder vs remembered after death. I don't many of these bubblegum pop artists will be remembered for what they do in the present after death because they have nothing to be remembered for. Nothing stands out, the records they put out all sounds virtually the same, they all follow similar chord sequences and song structure, there's no originality. Techno synth and four on the floor is all too boring nowadays. I'd much rather be popless and do something different than doing what simply sells.
Would you more likely be at a rap concert or watching songs of praise?
Rap concert. Some of those concerts are like punk shows! It just depends who it is I'm seeing. Songs of Praise on the other hand..? There is no god.
Would you recommend any artists or bands to the readers?
Okay, I'd first recommend Animal Collective. Great experimental neo-psych band, if I had to pick a song, I'd say Brother Sport.I'd also recommend The Unknown, great band I know personally who invited us along to support them for their gig in July. They do some good covers and are just about to release their first original song!Lastly, I'd recommend Lightspeed Champion. Wonderful indie rock/folk, song to listen to is Midnight Surprise. Beautiful song, an absolute work of art.
Any last words?
GO LISTEN TO MIKEEY'S MUSIC! If you're in the Leicester area, check out our gig on Saturday 3rd of August, like us on Facebook (, follow us on Twitter ( and check out our Tumblr ( Thanks for interviewing me Mikeey!

That was Sam Brown from Alligatr.!

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